Molly Ayre


My Counselling Services provide a safe confidential space to talk about personal difficulties in an understanding and non-judgemental setting. I believe that you have inner wisdom and that counselling can often help you to recognise what is important to you and make your own choices in responding to the difficulties in your life.
I also provide clinical supervision which reflects my belief in your capacity for growth with the support of a trained Counselling Professional.
About Me
I am an Accredited Professional member of NCPS & a Person-Centred Therapist, Clinical Supervisor working in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
I have over 25 years’ experience as a Therapist and Supervisor working in the statutory and voluntary sectors and in Private Practice.


I have full professional indemnity insurance and work within the NCPS’s ethical framework for the counselling professions. I have a current enhanced DBS for my practice.


Full professional insurance and strict adherence to their ethical framework for good practice.  This includes a continued commitment to ongoing supervision and training.



1998 Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling – University of Hertfordshire
2004 Post Graduate Certificate in Supervision – University of East Anglia
2005 Post Graduate Certificate in Education – University of Greenwich

Recent continuous professional training & development

Transcultural counselling 2023
Working with Trauma 2022
Diversity Symposium with BACP 2019
Understanding the Nature of Trauma in Therapy 2019
Mindfulness in Palliative Care 2018
Understanding Guilt 2017
Sexual Violence and the Counselling Journey 2016
Addiction ‘When I want becomes I need’ 2015
Person-Centred Therapy
“Person or client-centred therapy is based on the view that everyone has the capacity and desire for personal growth and change, given the right conditions.


Rather than being seen as the expert and directing the therapy, the counsellor offers unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence to help you come to terms with any negative feelings
and to change and develop in your own way.”
Therapy provides you time limited or open-ended confidential psychological and emotional support.

• Personal and relationship difficulties
• Stress and anxiety
• Specific life events
• Loss and bereavement
• Earlier life events

Clinical Supervision provides you with a space for reflective professional practice and to meet ethical standards.


• Individual
• Group

Training gives you experienced teaching, learning & assessment for qualifications or bespoke workshops in a variety of areas of development.

• Helping skills including mentoring
• Counselling skills
• Practitioner training for counsellors
• Personal and professional development

Individual Therapy
Individual therapy offers you a one to one relationship with your counsellor where you will be able to explore your personal difficulties and find ways to resolve these.
Group therapy offers you with opportunities to meet others and explore your personal relationships or shared experiences with the help of a therapeutic facilitator. We work in groups of around 6 to provide you with a safe therapeutic space.
To talk about counselling, do get in touch either by phone or email. This initial consultation is free and will give you an opportunity to discuss your concerns. Together we can get an idea whether counselling might be helpful for you.
You will be able to find out more about how I work and whether this would suit your needs. You may know what you would like to achieve, or I may be able to help you understand this better. I will be able to give you suggestions if you need another type of support. I will listen and try to understand you without any judgement and if you feel that you would like to meet for an initial meeting, we can make arrangements for this. I have consulting rooms in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
At our initial meeting, we can decide if you would like further sessions. You will be able to decide yourself how many sessions you would like, and this can be reviewed at any time. Sometimes just a few sessions may be all that you need to work through your concerns. You might, however, prefer to work for a longer period or agree an open -ended contract.
Sessions are usually weekly at the same time, but I am flexible around your other commitments. You are under no obligation to continue with counselling if you change your mind at any time. Your sessions will last for 60 minutes. The session fee applies.
The initial consultation and counselling sessions are confidential with a few legal exceptions which I will explain to you. As an accredited member of BACP, I am bound by their code of ethical practice and I will explain this to you.
Taking the first step can be difficult. An informal free no obligation discussion might help you take the next steps towards your well-being.


Clinical Supervision
Individual supervision offers you with a one to one space to reflect on your client work and your relationship with your client.
Supervision will help you to improve the quality of your counselling and or supervision practice and can transform your professional relationships as you develop yourself; your practice and the wider counselling professions.
Group supervision offers you a variety of perspectives in relation to your practice and an opportunity to learn from others’ experiences in counselling work.
To talk about supervision, do get in touch either by phone or email. This initial discussion is free. I will explain my model of supervision and together we can discuss your needs.
If you feel that you would like to meet for an initial meeting, we can make arrangements for this. I have consulting rooms in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
At our initial meeting, we can decide if you would like further sessions. You may require monthly supervision (minimum BACP requirements are 90 minutes per month) or fortnightly. If you are a trainee counsellor, then you will need to check out your training requirements.
Supervision is usually arranged as an open-ended arrangement. Sessions are usually at the same time, but I am flexible around your other commitments. Your sessions will last for 60 / 90 or 120 minutes. The session fee applies.
“When the other person is hurting, confused, troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified; or when he or she is doubtful of self-worth, uncertain as to identity, then understanding is called for. The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance… provides illumination and healing. In such situations deep understanding is, I believe, the most precious gift one can give to another.”
Carl Rogers

I have so valued every single session I have had. I love your genuine responses
and total care and commitment. I just want to really thank you!


“Thank you for giving me the most important thing – believing in myself and your
belief in me”


“I have directly experienced you as having an amazing capacity for
caring and valuing of others and have personally benefitted from this. I
now really understand the phrase’ there is a right counsellor for each
client – you were the right counsellor for me”


“I came into contact with you at the right time. I cannot thank you enough
for listening and your support”


“Thanks so much for helping me put some of the pieces together in the
jigsaw of my life!”

Appointment Times
Appointments available Fridays. Some evening availability.
Individual in-person and online therapy sessions £65 per 60 minutes
Individual in-person and online clinical supervision sessions £65 per 60 minutes / £95 per 90 mins / £125 per 120 mins
Group clinical supervision £130 per 60 minutes / £190 per 90 minutes / £250 per 120 minutes
20% discount available for students.
Other concessions are considered on request and according to availability.
Cancellations require 24 hours’ notice for a full refund. Cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice may be charged.
Payment is accepted by bank transfer, or cash.
Contact Info
Telephone: 07870 400 371
Privacy Notice
In line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the following Privacy Notice outlines how I use and safeguard client’s personal information.
Gaining Your Consent

I will not share your personal information with a third party unless I have your written consent.

Please see below for times when I have a legal or moral obligation to share it, for example:

As part of our duty to protect a child, a vulnerable adult, yourself or the public for the prevention and detection of a crime if we are required to do so by any court or law

What Information Do I Record?

I will securely store the following personal or sensitive information on paper, not electronically, and this would include:

Personal information

First name or given name
Family name or surname
Telephone numbers
Date of birth

Sensitive personal information

Gender, ethnicity and marital status
Religious or other cultural beliefs
Physical or mental health or condition
Offences (including alleged offences), where relevant

Information Security

I recognise that the information you provide may be sensitive and we will respect your confidentiality. I keep information about you confidential. This means I store it securely and control who has access to it. I will not share any information where we are not legally required to do so.

I will only share such information as necessary, and where I am satisfied that the other organisation, e.g. an organisation who has referred you to me for counselling is entitled to receive it and will keep your information secure.

Corrections and Concerns

If you believe that information I hold about you is incorrect or out of date, or if you have concerns about how I am handling your personal information, please contact me and I will try to resolve those concerns.

If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let me know and I will take reasonable steps to delete it (unless I need to keep it for legal, auditing or internal risk management reasons).

If I become aware of any ongoing concerns or problems concerning my privacy practices, I will take these issues seriously and work to address them.

If you have difficulty understanding this information or want to ask more questions, please contact me.

Molly Ayre Counselling